Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The wind was motherly.She walked through the glass doors, hair messed up, leaves blowing in behind her. It was refreshing waking up to the cool breeze in her cabin; it was peaceful. I finally felt at one with myself; a perfect opportunity to ask her. This time, I knew I was ready, it was time. For a moment, I recollected my thoughts, the memories I had shared with this girl. I was once at war with myself but the battle just ended; i had won. I am going to do it. I am going to ask her to marry me. I already had bought the ring in which i would use to propose to her. I picked out the only fancy restaurant in town, and reserved a seat for her. She was the greatest, and deserved only the BEST. She said yes.

Friday, December 4, 2009


....... it really is an ugly word :( ...... you can use the word dislike... haha hate is just so cruel. HATE HATE HATE. people who use the word 'hate' seriously have a problem. they probably have so much anger bottled up inside and that one word HATE can have so much in it. i try not to use the word hate ... but sometimes it just comes out and then i correct myself and say 'dislike' haha. i personally think that someone can never actually hate someone/// unless you're possessed by some devil who has taken over your whole body or something! haha just kidding. ......................i think hate is like built up by all the dislikes. haha if that makes sense.. like if you dislike so much it just becomes one big HATE.

i wish there was no hate in the world... i wish a lot of things.. but thats just life right? damn. lol but i also pray that soemone doesn't hold that much hate inside of them... because it can totally eat you up... and change you, and the way you act, or even think. hate can give you so much to think about in your head.. then you forget to smile... and even laugh! laughing is like the only time that can take you away from being sad.... obviously. haha but its hard to explain...........

WHY HATE WHEN YOU CAN LOVEEEEEEEEEE. love one another. hate is so ugly! .... OH and if i do ever say hate... im usually just joking! hahahha .... USUALLY. HAHA yes i am just joking. hahaha. what else am i to say ..............HATE SUCKS. i want to love ... i want love. lets all love. and be all loving. SHALL WE?? OKAY. love is in the air.... and im feeeling fine...... hehe its a song............................................LOVE NOT HATE .. DONT HATE BUT LOVE. <3<3<3<3<3 hate is such an ugly word!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


WHAT THE HECK?! ... i already don't get it.. at all........... wait, come to think of it.... it sounds kind of familiar! hmmmmmm, what to say............DOES THIS TOPIC EVEN MAKE SENSE?!!!!!shouldn't it be "lord, what fools these mortals be"?? i have no clue. haha i wonder if i could search it up....but i can't! haha crap.... i bet this topic is from the bible or something...we'll never know now.. because ms ignacio isn't here :( oh man.... i have nothing else to say.. like what am i suppose to say now.............LORD, WHAT FOOL THESE MORTALS BE......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i wonder if it has another meaning behind it.. or if its just what its put out to be...........i think this is probably the post where im just talking gibberish.. i can't think of anything to type about this topic! :(:(.........this is going to be a sad post. haha theres nothing to write now..

it is now 12:09 and we still have 6 minutes.! ... omg. what the heck. okay im so lost. my mind is a blank as of right now. . . . . . . . . . . im so tired ! ayyyyaaaaaaaaaa report cards in 2 days. OOOOOOOOOH but im going swimming today!!! for pe 12 yeeeeyuuuuh :) i hope its fun .........................................................shoot! this post is probably going to be filled with DOTS. DOT AFTER DOT AFTER DOT AFTER DOT. like how boring is that!... great. one of my earphones aren't working :( my ipod isn't working either.!! what am i to doooooooooooooooooooooo ............................................. na na na na na...... time seems to be going by sloooowwwllyyyyyy.... isn't that funny? whenever you want time to go so much faster, it just seems like its going extra slow. and when you want time to go slower..... time just flies by.

Monday, November 30, 2009


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, whateves.. lol. thats a hilarious topic.... people these days don't seem to like finishing their words.. so they cut it down. example: whateves. HAHAHA why can't they just replace the S with an R? whatever. HAHA when people say whatever i feel like they have so much attitude.. so they replace it with whateves... its less attidudish. hahaha lawl. whatevesssssss whatever whatevevvesss. i wonder who even started that. whateves? REALLY NOW. hahaha .......................................whateves. whatebs. what eves. whate ves. haha whateves is that even a word?? its probably "slang" haha a lot of people should start talking with proper english. haha i wish i could! i wish i could write well .... and have ........a genius brain! haha

what if everyone talked the same?? haha all the same way...our world would be so boring! hahaha... i guess some people put "slang" words into their vocabulary to spice things up a bit. maybe even invent a new word or something! haha i don't know why but they do ........sometimes other people change the word so much that i don't even know what it means anymore. haha like a double meaning or something..........i wonder how other people even think of some of these "new" words! hahaha some are so ridiculous............i just can't think of any at the moment. but theres a lot, i tell ya! ..............hmmm im lost of thoughts. WHATEVES. hahaha that word is so weird. i hope i don't get into the whole "whateves" talk. hahah LOL some people actually talk ALL SLANG .. im seriously. its like they can't even speak correct english without adding a little of "whateves" or "whaddup witchu homie" ... whatever happened to ... " how are you" " how was your day " HAHA

what is up homie g, slice.

.............w..........h...............a............t..........e............v...................e....................s....................... haha im so bored. and whateves is the tired now. but whateves. its the last block. whateves. HAHAHA this is so weird. whateves.............................. i don't think a lot of people at our school say that word anymore

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


......... is it? i don't think so. i believe that i can live without my cell phone! i wouldn't even mind not having a cell phone, its just it cost too much to cancel. :(
hahah not having your phone isn't such a bad thing sometimes! your parents don't have a way to constantly call would cost cheaper.. like paying for a phone bill can cost so much.
the upside of having a phone is being able to talk to your friends pretty much whenever you want! there are so much that goes on in one phone.... texting, pictures, videos, internet... you name it! ... i still think i could live without it.
OHHHH but it could also be a bad thing that you don't have a phone.... just because if you're in deep trouble.... you would be able to call 911.. or text or make an emergency call! i guess thats the only reason why i want it.. or need it.
hmmmmmmm but some people rely WAY TOO MUCH on their phones.... some people are actually addicted..... constantly on the phone... 24/7 know what i mean?
i believe those people have no lives. hahaha so mean. i don't like being mean... i shouldn't judge people just like that. i actually hate it when i do that :( i feel so bad after! ////............MY CELL PHONE IS NOT MY LIFE

Monday, November 16, 2009


craft short story.
clever in some way or form.
what would be a great beginning of a short story.


Create a topic for youself. Any word you think it's intersting:

"PS", "Never mind", "The thin red line"

Sit down an think about what comes into your mind when you see that words or sentences. Create MindMaps. What can happen, when is the word/sentence used? Who would say it.


hahaha when ms i said the topic, all i thought of was a bunnny! haha tricks are for kids is a type of cereal right? haha i know maria really loves that cereal..... everytime someone goes to the states maria always ask if they could buy her a whole box of cereal.... i wonder how much it is.. omg... i crave to eat some cereal right now!!! OMG... i want trix. hahaha i want fruit ..... i want to TRAVEL!!!! :(:( I WANT TO GO PLACES... AND MEET NEW PEOPLE. I want to get out of vancouver ...... i think? i just want to get out of something, i guess. i want to get to know the world. I want to go around the world, not only to see the great things it has to offer... but to help!! i want to do some good.....

//////oh yeah, tricks are for kids.. i really don't think tricks are only for kids....... i think tricks are for everyone. o0o0 so tricky. TRICKY TRICKY TRICKY .... im so boredJULIO JUST FARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SMELLS LIKE ROTTEN EGGS!!!!! FRICK I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!! ......... OMG. farts... are so .. ugly.
OKAY BACK TO TRICKS. TRICK OR TREAT....... what do ya think.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It was a dark and stormy night

... when we were locked up in our cabin. the voices were getting louder and louder..we were hearing thumps now! oh no... okay i suck at scary stories. seriously. ahahha

dark and stormy night... thats pretty intense. aww i miss halloween! it was a dark and stormy night! i really don't feel like writing today :( today is just NOT my day. so many sad faces i see.. ruins my mood!! uggh i just want everyone to be happy. =D with BIG smiles on their faces. THAT would just make my day! so yeah there is nothing really to write about because there isn't anything in my head.. LIKE NOTHING. its like a blank piece of paper. its all white. its nothing.
Paul Catao is beside me and he's talking about scooby doo! hahaha i wanna go home and watch that movie now. I want summer back. I don't want to graduate.. Im scared! :(:( i have no idea what i'm going to do with my life . Nothing .. like another blank page... blank page after blank page. IM LOST!!!!

i guess im just having one of those days.....................................................................................

Thursday, November 5, 2009

colourless green ideas sleep furiously

green?! why green???? why coulnd't it be red...or yellow or brown.
knowing ms i ( i think ) i bet this "colourless green ideas sleep furiously" has a deeper meaning..
its either it has a deeper meaning.. or its just really obvious.

colourless green .. so wait.. doesn't that mean there is no colour??
it could have a colour but its like.. transparent>> o0o0o0 or maybe it is there but people just dont really see it.. thats why its transparent?

ideas sleep furiously.. so they sleep furiously. ok........ i guess ideas running through your head.. if you dont say them.. then they'll be stuck in your head and then they would sleep furiously .. because they didn't get a chance to get out in the world. they didn't get a chance to be that idea! they were just stuck in your head... shame..

SO OBVIOUS. . . . . the green is obviously colourless.. and ideas sleep furiously.. how more complex can you go?

CO Lourless greeni deas slee pfuriou sly. LOL

now i seriously wonder where ms i gets her topics.. im so curious.. maybe i should just ask her.. but what if she doesn't tell me? UGH. HAHA.
......................................................................................................furiously sleep ideas.. green colourless. now i feel so sleepy... haha talking about sleeeeeeep furiously. maan. i just wanna be in bed sleeping. OMG. lalalalalalalaalalalalala my eyes are falling down....
i have nothing else to say
i wonder if the topics are going to get harder .. or maybe easier??

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

double you tee eff

what the frick? hahaha where is ms. Ignacio getting these topics? i wonder if she used the same topics in her past writing classes....... so far, i think ms i's topics are pretty random. like WTF! when i hear double you tee eff i think of channel 24...... they made up a song called WTF. but its abbreviations are watch this friday. i thought that was pretty catch and smart of them. haha i wonder who made that up.........there are a lot of double you tee effs ... like when someone just randomly hits you, or if a nasty pigeon just shat on your arm.

WTF........ WTF.. what the frick. what time freddy? where's the fridge? what the fruit! whats that froddo?

if someone says what the fruit (or any F word) you can flip the question i think... fruit the what? FTW. ORRRR.. FOR THE WIN. hahahaaha what the frick, for the win. haha i think student council ads last year had that! FTW... i was like what the fudge! what the frick is FTW? hahahaha then other people told me... i still didn't get it at first.. and im not even sure if i get it now! hahaha


Friday, October 30, 2009

Conversation/character sketch

Girl - G
Boy - B

G - Hey baby, are you hungry? do you want to eat out?
B - Wsup?! yeah i'm pretty hungry lets go. Where do you want to eat?
G - You choose! called it!
B - Can you just choose? i chose the place last time...
G - Okay fine! lets eat at red robins!
B - Meet me there at 8
G - okay
B - Hey, you look beautuiful
G - Noo, i look ugly.. :(
B - you look perfectly fine
G - What are you ordering? i guess i want the salad.
B - I guess i'll get the burger
G - Eff! i look so ugly today
B - Can you not? you look perfect. Can you just realize that you are?!
G - I can't... stop being so sweet.
B - I'll take you home now
G - Okay baby
B - So do you want me to go with you to your front porch?
G - Please...
B - i hope you had an awesome dinner. Good night. I love you.
G - Thank you so much for tonight, i love you too.

BOY: I think the boy in the conversation has a good environment he lives in. The way he talks to the girl is very polite and truthful. He seems like a guy a girl would dream for. This boy seems like he has been raised very well.

GIRL: i think the girl doesn't take compliments very well. It could be because she's new to it or she just doesn't like receiving them. I also think the girl wants that attention from the boy. it seems like the girl puts herself down in order for the boy to shoot compliments at her, thus making her feel safe and secure.

G- hey babe! did you get home alright?
B- im still busing home but im nearly there. what're you up to?
G- nothing much, just attempting to finish my chemistry hwk.
B- haha aw babe im sure we could've just eaten at your place so you couldve done your hwk earlier. im sorry
G- hey its not your fault! i wanted to eat out remember! haha
B- haha alright.. well i just got home and i think im going to hop in the shower ;)
G- hehe dont get me started boy
B- babe do your hwk and call me after arright?
G- alright... ttyl then :) i love you
B- i love you


things under my bed.... are pretty dusty... my mom always tells me to dust underneath my bed but i never do! hahaha.... so i guess the dust has collected and i might have created a DUST BUNNY.. a dust monster!! AAAAAH

sometimes when i sleep i don't let my feet or arms hang out because i get scared that something weird is under my bed .. and they will touch or grab me!! oh my gosh =/ soososososososoo scary.

Sometimes when i clean my room i cheat.............i put all unnecessary things underneath my bed, and my mom gets very upset! hahahah okay things under my bed.
things under my bed are there because i am lazy. too lazy to get rid of them.
maybe i should start cleaning!!

................................................cmooon awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww queen wants to keep me under her bed :) hehehehe i hope its clean.. kekekekekkeke. and i hope there is food.. and blankets.. and boys ;)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the wettest place in my room

the wettest place in my room would probably be my window. When it rains the wind makes it go on my window!
the wettest place in my room.... could also be my bed (pillow) with all the tears that i've shed. awww yeee. deeep.

THE WETTEST PLACE IN MY ROOM?! these topics are getting way too hard.. i don't even know what to write about.. besides the wettest place in my room! is there even a word 'wettest'?????? hmmhmh i wonder what other peoples wettest places would be in their room.

if i were to spill water in any place of my room ..... if it were to be my carpet, my chair, my closet, or even my table...... then THAT would be the wettest place in my room.....DUH! im so bored... just thinking about the wettest place in my room.

what is the wettest place in your room???? i wanna know...... so give me a an answer! ... why not?! what if i wanna know? why won't you just tell me?? are you keeping something from me? is that it? you can tell me? i wont judge you.... i promise :) so just tell me already.....! whats stopping you anyways.. do you not trust me?! why not....:(

..........................................take a breath. say a prayer. close your eyes. im terrified. you can see my heart beating.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The best place to...

the best place to ... have fun is where you think it would be fun. okay that doesn't make sense.
the best place to have peace and quiet would probably be at the beach.... but really early.. like 4-6 am! it would just be so peaceful!!!
the best place to relax...... would be somewhere far!! somewhere where you could just be away from everything and everyone that gives you stress, know what im talking about?
...........................................................I WANT TO BE FREE... free from all the stress, free from everything! oiiimesshjosss.

the best place to ..................WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE...where do i want to be right now? probably at home in my warm comfortable bed... just relaxing while watching tv or movies! hehehehe :) ............i want the sun.. i want to go to hawaii again.. or i've always wanted to go to greece. ACTUALLY i've always wanted to go somewhere...FAR by myself.. or even with just a friend....i wish i were rich! ohmygosh. i would probably spend some of that money to different calamities in the world. and then i would put some of the..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


.............OH NO... NOOOOOOOO! my project is ruined. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................ people these weird.
oh no no, the way ms. i said it was weird. she said it in a weird tone... like an up down up down tone. OH no NO. kinda thing. what happens if thats all people could say.. oh no no! or what if people would talk in tones.

kay i'm lost for words. there is nothing on my mind that has anything to do with oh no no.
when ms i said oh no no i thought of..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Its only a matter of time

its only a matter of time before i graduate.
its only a matter of time before i go to college.
its only a matter of time before get married.
its only a matter of time before i have children.
its only a matter of time before my children have children.
its only a matter of time before i die.
its all in a matter of time.

time of matter . ........
TIME. sometimes i wish time could go faster, and sometimes i wish it could go slower.
TIME...only God can control our time.

Itsonlyamatteroftime.. wow that reminded me of mad gab ( i think thats what its called )

its only a matter of time before we have lunch... eat with friends.. and smile

its only a matter of time before i can have my smile back....... just that period of time. i have no idea /// its only a matter of time before i think of something else to say.....................................kay so grad is sooner than i thought....what am i to do.. its only a matter of time before i AAAAAAHH. graduating scares me.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


My first step ... will always be the hardest. i think... my first step to everything. ......i wonder how people take that first step. they must have so much courage or determination to take that first step. ...

My first step will always be my own step. no matter how much help i receive, or criticism i take, it will always be up to me. Whether i take that step up or that step backwards. ...... i hope i never have to take a step back (unless it something bad). i would always like to go forward with my life... to keep stepping up.

MY FIRST STEP. MY FIRST STEP. MY FIRST STEP. i am thankful to have such a great parent, and such wonderful friends. <3<3

This prompt is so hard. my first step...
you could be a step away from the biggest decision of your life.
you could be a step away from the biggest regret of your life.

Baby steps. Big steps. lonely steps. hard steps. my steps. my first step.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


turkey what?? what turkey are you talking about... i had pasta, mashed potatos, and steak. WHAT TURKEY. come to think of it, i never actually have turkey on actual thanksgiving day... anything but turkey..................what turkey ..your turkey or my turkey. his turkey or her turkey. what turkey.

WHAT?? TURKEY?? NOOOO WAY. you had turkey? for thankgiving .....

if you say turkey more than 10X you can make a wish...did you know that??
HAHA did you really say turkey 10X? haha i was just playin
but doesn't it sound weird now? TUUUR-KEEEY. turdkeys. turkey

ayyyyyyyyyy turkaaaaaaay, wsssuppppppppp.
how you doin' haaatstuffed turkay ;).....i bet you doin' reaaaal good. you smokin' and lookin' soooo tender and juicy.. awwweee yeee. dripping with dem juices, you know how i like it. daaaayyyyuuum turkay. you lookin' so damn good. gettin' all steamy n' shiii ;);) turkey-ing me up ! SO YUM. okay yako. WHAT TURKEY......./....//.............,...

are there different kinds of turkey? or is it just turkey? haha!!oh im wanting some turkey! ........................i have nothing more to say you piece of turkey.

turkey dumplings, turkey pie, turkey breast, turkey thigh, turkey juice, turkey rice, turkey paper, turkey bread, turkey socks.......o0o00o0o inventions in the near future. watch out for... WHAT TURKEY.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


...AND ON AND ON AND ON. she seriously went on and on.. it got so annoying.....She just kept talking about how her life was so perfect. She knew what she wanted to do after highschool...i mean EVERYTHING.
how she wanted 3 kids....2 girls 1 boy.
she wanted to marry a rich man with brown hair
she wanted to get married in a silk gown made from italy
she wanted to have 2 maids and they had to wear certain outfits eachday

did this girl know how to shut up? like seriously. she went on and on and on and on and on AND ON!!! i guess it made me jealous.....she knew what she wanted and i didn't..... I DIDN'T ....SHE DID...........

She went on and on and on on and on.. isn't that a song?? hahaha! rappers delight or something? i guess some guys complain to other guys about how "she went on and on and on" ....Sometimes girls make sense but other times girls do go on and on and on about stupid stuff.............Girls are weird huh........Like seriously weird...Sometimes i'm embarrassed to be a girl.. when other girls decide on doing stupid things infront of people we don't know. haha! okay... im going on and on and on.. about what? random things that appear in my head.

she probably went on and on and on because she just likes to talk/?? haha a lot of girls like to talk. im not one of them. (k maybe sometimes) but my brother talks more than i do.. seriously...............but i love him. LAWL. ..............................SHE WENT ON AND ON AND ON. WHAAAAAATTT..............CANUCKS WON YESTERDAY AGAINST MONTREAL. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 7-1 baby! lets keep it up. oimesh!!.........................when she goes "on and on and on" she probably has a lot of run on sentences ? does she breathe when she goes on and on and on? i wonder how many times. maybe shes


i remember the first day when i saw your face
i remember the first day when you smiled at me
.......... BROWN EYES- destiny's child.

i remember when i was a child. you held me around your arms.
i remember right now. you let me go and never held on.
i remember when we used to laugh. now i remember my tears.
i remember i remember i remember. do i want to?

...........I remember your scent, the way you chewed your food, the SAY WHAT?
i don't remember anything.
i don't remember i don't remember i don't remember. can i?

IM BORED. i remember a lot of things, just not you.

I REMEMBER................................................. I ReMeMbEr? hahaha PCE

Monday, October 5, 2009


Hell to the no... Hell no!! I think people only say hell no when they really mean it... I mean c'mon if people say hell no to Someone it's so mean! Hahaha seriously. I mean, couldn't you just have said Why add the hell right? Hell hell hell ... Why do we still refer to hell when we don't really know what it's like? ...hmmmmm I don't know. ................. I wonder if people actually .. Kay I lost my thought.............. I actually haven't heard someone say "hell no" in such a long time! Which is a good thing.... Why are all these 15 minute blog topics getting harder and harder?!! Or maybe I just have nothing to write about.

I'm stuck at home .. Sick as hell (haha) but seriously .. I can barely breathe:( oh hell no... I have to drink Buckley's !!!! Wow... Buckley's taste like Vicks to me! Crap oh hell no ... I'm 17 now... So I have to drink 2 spoons instead of one!
Hell no hell no... But I have to.

Ps. You should never say hell no to your parents unless you want a wooden spoon mark on your butt!
Hell, no

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


HAHAHAHAHA LOL! AW i love loling its so much fun!!!! LAUGHING OUT LOUD. OH LOL! like really i am laughing OUT lOUD. its embarrassing. nikkos hungry.... LOL
i wonder what other acronyms LOL has.....hmm i can probably think of some in my head right now...
ELLE OH ELLE!!!! OMG... LOTS OF LOVE. thats a good one.
LOST OF LOVE. o0o0o0 so deeeeeeeep.
LOL. i love it when people laugh... it just makes me laugh.. and then everyone else laughs .. and then we all laugh together.. together forever , we laugh.
Laughter is so contagious....... unless you laugh weird.. then thats just weird....................KALABUNGA. Some people have different laughs... or actually scratch that.. everyone has a different laugh! some laugh like funny...

yup... some people laugh that that.. dont judge! haha! lols. i don't know why i put 'lols' haha it would mean like.. laughing out louds.. HAHAHA LOL! laughing takes me away of all the stress that i brings me to a state where nothing matters but happiness. oh its so much fun.. but when the laughter ends, its like reality hits you. then its like.. oh crap! homework. OH crap time to study! oh crap.
When people laugh by themselves there might be something wrong...... OR they could just be thinking about a funny time they had and just had to laugh it out loud! haha i do that sometimes. I think the best laughter i have is when i'm not allowed to laugh.. it makes things so much funnier!! hahaha...
Like if someone hits their head while getting up from the bus... you wouldn't want to laugh because you don't want to make that person feel sad... but you just can't hold it in kind of laugh...
or when someone farts at mass....... you can't really laugh because it's inappropriate..but inside you are dieing to laugh! ....

Monday, September 28, 2009


A day in the life of alisha..... CAN YOU SAY SAAAAWEEEET DEAL! This girl is amazing! so much life and adventure....It would be so much fun to hang out with alisha! y'knoow, getting a ride to school :) woot woot! I wonder what kind of food they have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.... MHMHM???? hmmmmmmmm........I like caucasian food!! hehehe i hope alishas mom cooks a lot... oh my goodness. I'm hungry for some caucasian food now....great! ....................HM i wonder if she has any siblings... ;) i'm hoping for a brother.. hehe! ...............................OH MY GOSH, nasty!! for some reason i think she has a cat... OH GOODNESS!!! I HATE CATS... UGH. they give me the shivers.......I wonder what Alisha does as her daily morning routines. i wonder a lot of things actually... like when she does her homework, what she likes to do on her spare time, if she likes pasta (cus i do), or where she likes to shop for her clothing! Alisha is a really nice girl...and i really like her nose piercing on her!! like seriously soooooooo nice........i wonder if she has any other piercings.. many questions to be answered. I wish i had more classes with alisha. But... writing 12 is good. :) okay i'm making no sense now..........i wonder what tv shows she watches.. or if she even watches tv......i wonder what she wants to be when she grows up.. or what college she's thinking of going to. A day in the life of Alisha Deutsch would be awesome!! i wish i could spend one day with her family :$ haha! how awkward but still, it would be great! I wonder if she likes to stare at stars at night or go joy riding because it makes you feel free........................HM I wonderwoman...WOW...wondering wonders of wondergirl. awwwwwyeeeee...ALISHA ALISHA

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


My scars show on the surface of my skin and they look so ugly....but my scars run deep... they have deeper meaning.... Kay I will always be scarred by something from my past but most of my dark scars on my skin are from falling down, bumping into things and shaving. HAHA... yes shaving... PLS GIRLS... don't ever shave with a disposable rasor. They seriously suck........... :( like seriously. SWINE FLU.... wow......... okay...............................Scars...........Although all my scars remind me of the past, some good and some bad, i just wish they wouldn't scar! If girls wear skirts or shorts you can see all the scars... or bruises... i just wish i had nice legs. HAHAHA. LOL..............i wish i didn't have dark knees... i wish my skin colour would change into a nice tone. going to drink water. Scars are so ugly!!!!! i wish i could remove all my scars...............and just be one skin tone. hahahahah. This guy beside me is writing a lot .. haha i feel so stupid because my blog does not make sense sometimes. When i have a kid i think i'm going to make him/her wear longsleeves...kneepads and some elbo pads!! (Y) HAHA so they don't get scarred... great idea huh...... BUT my daughter/son would look so stupid .... haha imagine i bring my daughter/son into church with knee and elbo pads! HAHAHA. I hope i can be a good mom.............although i don't think i would be able to handle a teenager. they're such handfuls... im such a handful! haha!!!!..................

Monday, September 21, 2009

(DISCRIPTIVE) " That Moment"

My eyes started to water. I tried holding it back but a tear drop managed to escape my big brown eyes. I felt my warm tears flow down my cheeks. I taste something salty yet warm. I'm thinking of the worst things. The worst possible things in my head. I started shivering as i felt goosebumps on my arms. Could this have happened to me!? I walked down the hall of shame. Every pair of eyes were on me. Mouths were moving as i felt knives stab my back. My life was over as i knew it. I continued to walk and i never stopped until i reached the closest park. Going to a park reminded me of when i was a little gir. Being that little girl, full of innocence.

BRAINFART//will come back later.


Get out............................ya nasty! Stop trying to get with me. You disgust me. With your swagger, you're so full of yourself. Just get out. HAHAHA. im just kidding. just get outtaaaa here. everytime i here "get out" i think of the song by jojo. elle oh elle. hahaha.....GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT. Voices in my head... i want them out. Impure thoughts... i want them out. I don't want to be bitter anymore. I hate thinking bad things in my head.... i just want them OUT. omfg... stop reading this... this is pointless..... seriously GET OUT. hahaha you're probably thinking that i'm just a fruit .. hahaha this is literally whats going on in my head.. blah blah blah hawaii.............i miss hawaii. Kay get out. I need to do good in school AAAAH last year omg.. im scared. ANYWAYS Lets think positive shall we........GET GET GET OUT OUT OUT.... OUTTTTAAA HERE. GGET GO ON. GET WID IT. YO YO.... YO YO YO YIPPE YO YIPPE YE. Okay. im seriously so lost now. OH yeah... get out....... hmhmhmhm... Get out makes me think of bad things...the first thing that pops to my head is divorce...... really bad break ups... they usually end up with "GET OUT" .... sadly thats how some people actually separate..............DIVORCE SUCKS... seriously. why get married if you're not willing to make it work??? I think its so sad... isn't there marriage counseling out there?? TIMES UP. SERIOUSLY GET OUT

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do ya wanna?

DO YOU WANNA...... what the frick. du ju ya wanna be my man? do ya wanna be my lovvaaa from another mother. i mean my brothhhaaa from another ya wanna dance like theres no tomorrow? do ya wanna jiggy with na na na nanana! do ya wanna sing, dance, fly like mr.araujo? do ya wannnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa bring me some flowers from another country?? .................When people say do ya wanna it i sound it out in my head i think of an invitation to... YENNO........................;) ehe ehe ya wanna eat chicken? beef? turkey?????????? ya wanna write me a love song cool....yeah yeah....write me a i can be doing maaa thang. ya wanna make love underneath the stars while eating icecream? ooooooooh yaaaah. ya wanna is such a hard topic! i can't just keep writing with do ya wanna, although i am right now... like i'm writing anything that comes to my head like RECESS... what the f??? hahahahahahahaha okay. im done laughing.. do ya wanna laugh again? AHAHAHA.. that was a bigger laugh.. like literally laugh out loud. laughing out loud. LOL. okay do ya wanna read me a book, preferably a love story.. oh no wait... sometimes love stories make me sad. Kay Read me a funny one. okay..... this is weird. im weird. what the.. so weird!. my life without "do ya wanna's" would probably be really boring..................i have so many dots!!! speaking of dots... do ya wanna play twister??!!?!? o0o0o i loveee that game! twister HAHA.. so much fun. do ya wanna? please! okay seriously now i'm just talking rubbish.. its like im vomiting out stupid. haha! okay...... DO YA WANNA.... WANNA WHAT? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FINISH... OR START... DO I WANNA? MAYBE!! YES.. KAY NO.. MAYBE!!!. DO I WANNA?? DO YA WANNA? do ya wanna be my loverr .. reminds me of spicegirls... that song??? "if you wanna be my lover, ya gotta get with my friends.." whooot whoot. i wanna dance. sing out loud. i wanna icecream................shoot its getting a little bit hot. when is 15 minutes over?! ......... i have a game in my ipod ...... DOMINOS.. i think?? do ya wanna play???/ do ya wanna eat chicken while watching mr. donnici sing an oprah song? Because i know i would!!! i wanna do yoooga/ although it seems easy... i think i might just collapse. how long has it been!!!??? too long if ya ask me. .........i think it seems like its been so long cus i have no idea what to write anymore. I MEAN REALLY?? DO YA WANNA!?!?!? :(:(:(:(:( i wanna sing out loud ... dooo daaa lala doo daa.. kay i was seriously singing that in my head. im not even lieing. i think i'm lacking sleep... i feel.. weird. odd. and weird again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


My eyes opened. My eyes closed. My eyes opened and I got out of bed at 6:07am. I started walking to my mirror to look at my hideous eye bags. I felt my horse hair, and then walked slowly to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror again and decided to take a shower. I took my black panties off and sat on the toilet and thought of how my day was going to be like. I peed for about 5 Mississippi’s. I got up and put my left foot in the shower. I got goose bumps all over my naked body. I twist my shower knob and let hot water run in the tub. I gradually stepped into the now warm tub and pulled this thing that makes my running water come out of the shower head. I adjusted the heat to my comfort and stepped into the warm trickling water. While opening my Pantene pro-v shampoo I thought of how sleepy I was. I spread the shampoo all over my thick hair and started massaging my scalp. I wait a few minutes to let the shampoo do its thing and put my head back into the warm water. I wash my hair out and it feels like horse’s tail hair. I quickly put my conditioner on starting from the bottom going up. While that settles I soap my body with soap I don’t know the name of. About 7 minutes has gone past and I wash out all of the conditioner and soap and turn the water off. I open my shower curtains and feel the coldness that was surrounding the rest of the washroom. I grab my towel and dry myself fast. I run to my bedroom and put my bra and panty on. I put my school shirt on and walk to my brother’s room and turned the light on. I walk back to my room and grab the blow dryer and start drying my hair. My stomach starts to grumble and my head is telling me to go to the kitchen. I pour a glass of milk and 3 dad’s cookies. I yell at my brother and I start to eat. I put my dish in the sink and let water run on it for a bit. I walk back to my room and put the rest of my uniform on. I curl my hair and put some mousse on it. I head back to the washroom to brush my teeth and curl my eye lashes. I quickly change, grab my school things and head out the door. I walk about 2 and a half blocks and wait at the 59420 bus stop. The shuttle bus comes after a wait of about 8 minutes. I ride on the bus for about 20 minutes, while checking out the views the bus has to offer. I switch from the C23 shuttle bus to a 3 main. I get off the bus and walk to school. I also see other students walking. I get to the cafe and feel like sleeping. I sit in the cafe thinking of my warm bed and I start to feel drowsy. Everyone gets up and gathers their things, so I get up to walk the stairs to my homeroom. Patrick and Alexandra come in our homeroom to ask us who wants to be homeroom reps. there are about 4 names and I raise my hand up! I begin to feel a little nervous considering to I am going against. Patrick decides to move the voting to tomorrow. I sigh in relief. Kristina and I walk to our first class, religion. Mr.Genser puts this pyramid on the overhead. He told us we were allowed to ask any questions, some I wish I could put here but it is strictly confidential. After Mr.Genser answers all our questions he gives us an in class assignment. First block is done and I head to writing 12. Jarren bumps into me and tells me I’m in his chemistry lab. Mr.Genser politely asks to open our classroom door for us and we all head in. I'm wondering why everyone gets on the computers so quickly, thinking we'll all get kicked off sooner or later. Nikko and I are the only ones sitting on our desks, and were the only ones absent from the previous class. So Ms.Ignacio explains the standards of the class and our first assignment. I'm typing in class and thinking about wet stuff and how cool it is to be able to type a lot of ellipses. She cuts us off after about 15 minutes and gives us the second assignment! We have to write about our morning and all I keep thinking is if I peed when I got up. Well obviously I did if you read ^^. We go around reading each other’s first sentences and point forms. Ms.Ignacio used mine as an example and I felt a little smile upon my face. In my head I’m thinking about how I love compliments in the morning.

much luvvin from yoour girl,
haha okay
Alanna Villena.

things that are wet......... ;) LIKE WATER. DUUH

Things that are wet are disgusting. It gives me the creeps. When people are wet they start to have this ugly smell, a smell that smells like chicken poo. When my jeans get wet, I feel nasty and can’t wait to change………… I love it when my hair is wet, that feeling where you feel fresh and clean. Yum. Sometimes I love being wet….. like when it’s a scorching hot day outside… a few trickles of cold water would be nice. When I see sweaty guys I gasp in awe. AHAHAHAHA they look so good sweaty. Why can’t girls look good sweaty? When I sweat I look like I just got attacked by chickens and survived a 2 mile run. SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT. Sweat looks good from a far but once you get near….. you can see it drip and okay, yeah still hot. But the smell can only be so pleasing. I think the worst is having wet socks…………………………..oh my damn. Those things smell so blaaaaaah… nasty. Having wet sandwiches aren’t so great either. I bet they taste disgusting. I bet they taste like rotten socks. EW!!! OH!!! But wet leaves look pretty cool huh?! A dry leaf…… and a little bit of water comes dripping down the leaf … I’d think it looks pretty cool………………………………………………………OMG! WET DOGS SMELL TOO. AHAHA but I love dogs. Okay. I hate rain when commuting on the bus or skytrain…. But when I’m in the rain with friends I love rain. Splashing water …. WATERFIGHT! Ooooh I love me on of those water fights…………..there so fun! I want a water fight right now………………………………………….OH THAT WOULD BE FUN!!!!!! Hmhmhmhmhmhm…………………I could use a drink of water right now.