Monday, October 5, 2009


Hell to the no... Hell no!! I think people only say hell no when they really mean it... I mean c'mon if people say hell no to Someone it's so mean! Hahaha seriously. I mean, couldn't you just have said Why add the hell right? Hell hell hell ... Why do we still refer to hell when we don't really know what it's like? ...hmmmmm I don't know. ................. I wonder if people actually .. Kay I lost my thought.............. I actually haven't heard someone say "hell no" in such a long time! Which is a good thing.... Why are all these 15 minute blog topics getting harder and harder?!! Or maybe I just have nothing to write about.

I'm stuck at home .. Sick as hell (haha) but seriously .. I can barely breathe:( oh hell no... I have to drink Buckley's !!!! Wow... Buckley's taste like Vicks to me! Crap oh hell no ... I'm 17 now... So I have to drink 2 spoons instead of one!
Hell no hell no... But I have to.

Ps. You should never say hell no to your parents unless you want a wooden spoon mark on your butt!
Hell, no

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