Friday, October 30, 2009


things under my bed.... are pretty dusty... my mom always tells me to dust underneath my bed but i never do! hahaha.... so i guess the dust has collected and i might have created a DUST BUNNY.. a dust monster!! AAAAAH

sometimes when i sleep i don't let my feet or arms hang out because i get scared that something weird is under my bed .. and they will touch or grab me!! oh my gosh =/ soososososososoo scary.

Sometimes when i clean my room i cheat.............i put all unnecessary things underneath my bed, and my mom gets very upset! hahahah okay things under my bed.
things under my bed are there because i am lazy. too lazy to get rid of them.
maybe i should start cleaning!!

................................................cmooon awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww queen wants to keep me under her bed :) hehehehe i hope its clean.. kekekekekkeke. and i hope there is food.. and blankets.. and boys ;)

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