Tuesday, September 15, 2009


My eyes opened. My eyes closed. My eyes opened and I got out of bed at 6:07am. I started walking to my mirror to look at my hideous eye bags. I felt my horse hair, and then walked slowly to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror again and decided to take a shower. I took my black panties off and sat on the toilet and thought of how my day was going to be like. I peed for about 5 Mississippi’s. I got up and put my left foot in the shower. I got goose bumps all over my naked body. I twist my shower knob and let hot water run in the tub. I gradually stepped into the now warm tub and pulled this thing that makes my running water come out of the shower head. I adjusted the heat to my comfort and stepped into the warm trickling water. While opening my Pantene pro-v shampoo I thought of how sleepy I was. I spread the shampoo all over my thick hair and started massaging my scalp. I wait a few minutes to let the shampoo do its thing and put my head back into the warm water. I wash my hair out and it feels like horse’s tail hair. I quickly put my conditioner on starting from the bottom going up. While that settles I soap my body with soap I don’t know the name of. About 7 minutes has gone past and I wash out all of the conditioner and soap and turn the water off. I open my shower curtains and feel the coldness that was surrounding the rest of the washroom. I grab my towel and dry myself fast. I run to my bedroom and put my bra and panty on. I put my school shirt on and walk to my brother’s room and turned the light on. I walk back to my room and grab the blow dryer and start drying my hair. My stomach starts to grumble and my head is telling me to go to the kitchen. I pour a glass of milk and 3 dad’s cookies. I yell at my brother and I start to eat. I put my dish in the sink and let water run on it for a bit. I walk back to my room and put the rest of my uniform on. I curl my hair and put some mousse on it. I head back to the washroom to brush my teeth and curl my eye lashes. I quickly change, grab my school things and head out the door. I walk about 2 and a half blocks and wait at the 59420 bus stop. The shuttle bus comes after a wait of about 8 minutes. I ride on the bus for about 20 minutes, while checking out the views the bus has to offer. I switch from the C23 shuttle bus to a 3 main. I get off the bus and walk to school. I also see other students walking. I get to the cafe and feel like sleeping. I sit in the cafe thinking of my warm bed and I start to feel drowsy. Everyone gets up and gathers their things, so I get up to walk the stairs to my homeroom. Patrick and Alexandra come in our homeroom to ask us who wants to be homeroom reps. there are about 4 names and I raise my hand up! I begin to feel a little nervous considering to I am going against. Patrick decides to move the voting to tomorrow. I sigh in relief. Kristina and I walk to our first class, religion. Mr.Genser puts this pyramid on the overhead. He told us we were allowed to ask any questions, some I wish I could put here but it is strictly confidential. After Mr.Genser answers all our questions he gives us an in class assignment. First block is done and I head to writing 12. Jarren bumps into me and tells me I’m in his chemistry lab. Mr.Genser politely asks to open our classroom door for us and we all head in. I'm wondering why everyone gets on the computers so quickly, thinking we'll all get kicked off sooner or later. Nikko and I are the only ones sitting on our desks, and were the only ones absent from the previous class. So Ms.Ignacio explains the standards of the class and our first assignment. I'm typing in class and thinking about wet stuff and how cool it is to be able to type a lot of ellipses. She cuts us off after about 15 minutes and gives us the second assignment! We have to write about our morning and all I keep thinking is if I peed when I got up. Well obviously I did if you read ^^. We go around reading each other’s first sentences and point forms. Ms.Ignacio used mine as an example and I felt a little smile upon my face. In my head I’m thinking about how I love compliments in the morning.

much luvvin from yoour girl,
haha okay
Alanna Villena.


  1. Wonderful detail... the choppy quality of the short sentences is really endearing. Consider verb tenses, now: be consistent with them.
