Thursday, January 28, 2010


just so you know...... you know? just so you know what? know you are so just. i know. but do you know? its just so you know. you know?

hahahahha wow that didn't even make any sense... but its all good because its a FREE write! sweet huh.. i wonder where ms. ignacio is..... we're suppose to start on our portfolios.. and our other project thing. :( MISS IGNACIO WHERE ART THOU........................... :(:( anywho just so you know....... i slept at 1 am last night doing homework.. and at times i would be on the phone with kristina talking about random stuff... questions.. and you're suppose to answer them really fast .. kinda like without thinking ya know? OH and JUST SO YOU KNOW... i finally finished my grad write up last night...... i seriously really didn't want to hand that in... just because i feel like i haven't really finished all of grade 12 (actually i dont feel.. because i really have not finished LOL) and what if i make more memories for the next 4 months of highschool ?? what if i want to write more on my grad write up... OIMESH. its just so you know.. yeee know?

Pearson just told me his friend kenny came over and they both had lasagna and brocolli ..... JUST SO YOU KNOW.

i want to go sky diving ...just so you know.

i also want to go snorkeling .... its actually really really cool how i can see so clearly into the ocean... but im scared s***less of sharks and pretty much open water.... i start to panic and i think of sharks grabbing my legs... or other sea creatures toughing my legs or biting me... like jellyfish or something!!! crap.... JUST SO YOU KNOW.

people thought AVATAR was SUUUUUUUUUUCH a great movie... like people see life in a different way... blah blah... but honestly .. i didn't like it AS much.. it was too long and the whole 3-D thing ... ugh. i wanted to take my glasses off but then the big screen would be all computerized and blurry. so you HAD to wear your glasses. hahah sucks so much. just so you know

JuSt So You

Friday, January 22, 2010


i hate you

but i love you

i care for you
but i dont

i want you to be here
but you wont

I thank God for you like
Everytime i close my eyes i thank the Lord that ive got you

but whats the point?

will you be there?
there for me?
for him?
my world isn't your world.

Monday, January 18, 2010

(JANUARY 14) somewhere, someone is writing a poem

quiet space
loud music
beautiful scenery
destruction at sight
somewhere, someone is writing a poem

walking along the beach
lying in ones bed
talking to a friend
listening to a preach
somewhere, someone is writing a poem

somewhere, someone is writing a poem
to you, to me, to him/herself
deep inner feelings
inspired thoughts

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

POEM (no rhyme)

lonely teardrops

sat on my window sill
it was raining but felt warmness against my face
a burning sensation
tasted bitter and salty
streaming down my face
everything was descending
recollected thoughts

.......NOT DONE


.... teardrops that are lonely must be so lonely. i guess that means the teardrops that a person makes are because they are lonely? ....... well what else could lonely teardrops mean... unless its one of those things where it has like a different meaning behind it. yennnnnnnnnno. i still actually wonder where ms. ignacio gets all these these... these....uuh... titles! some are just so random... and others are just weird.

lonely teardrops... i hope no one ever has those kind of tears... they seem so lonely ... it sucks when people are lonely.. it makes me sad too......when i think of lonely teardrops i think of this song... "when the last teardrop falls....." <-- i dont know the rest of the lyrics... just the tune .. hahaha okay so i am clearly not functioning very well... because last night i slept around 5:15am.. and woke up at 5:45... so im tired .. like so tired... :( but im still managing to stay awake..... but i'll probably crash right when i get home :P ... THEN ofcourse im going to catch up on all my homework :) i just had encounter this week... encounter XXX (30) haha so im also like emotionally exhausted.

anyways... im rambling on about nonsense.. but what i should be rambling about is lonely teardrops. i wonder about the people who write articles on the newspapers.... they are just given a prompt/quote/topic to write about.. and they just write!? but they probably have their on "specialty" and subject their really good at writing.
LONELY TEARDROPS................................why you gotta be so lonely.. when you can be happy.. be happy so you don't have to be lonely. damnnn teardrops... crack a smile just like nelly.....OKAY im really feeling so sleepy right now :(:( craaaap i hate this.. i just want to crash and sleep so badly.................. i haven't had lunch yet... so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe nap during lunch or eat...... hahahah im probably going to eat. LOL
crap you lonely teardrops ... TEAR LONELY DROPS. hmmm DROPS TEAR LONELY.....TEAR DROPS LONELY...LONELY DROPS TEAR....... im so weird. and tired. yikes. never sleeping that late again... !! hasn't it been 15 minutes yet
??? wow.... i feeling like i've been typing for so long........ or maybe im just tired that i dont really realize...oh and by the way... it was sunny and raining outside

Friday, January 8, 2010

POEM (Jan 8)


What is music and why is it here?

Music is made for the ear.

To be made and played for many of decades.

To be embraced by different cultures and race,


the heart of man

Only it seems now only a few understand


The upbeat the down beat the chords the rhythm it plays.

Exchanging and changing forever.


Not one man can take the responsibility for making the music the music made us.

You have to trust in the


Classical Jazz Swing, Country everything it brings.


Although music has a lot of names it will always remain the same

Music will always change.

The dramatic character of a story.

It will always end with the final glory.

Because of its graceful authority


Don't make music that embraces no heart

Make music that shall shine threw the dark.

Music lives every where.

Creating our atmosphere.

Our world circulates by the beat the music makes

So listen to the music see what is hidden in side.

Listen to the music shhhh! Close your eyes.

Unknown music is everywhere.

So open your ears stand clear

music it is taking over so beware!

There is no escaping

There is no replacing

There is no other so there is no point of looking further my brotha.

Without music where would I be?

It took sweet love music to create me.

The songs of Al green and Barry White stimulated the body so it is no fighting the


Because the music doesn't fight u it hugs u kisses u loves u

Cause the music only can be true

'Lets make music', I've it heard said

But making music is not just in the bed

Music is made threw gospel beats threw the songs of rappers through the notes of the streets.

So let's make music my friend.

A sad moment in your life

'The rain is on your window pane' as Mary J. explains threw a song.

What more do I have to say music is made to be played.

There is no escapade

It is understood music is what it should be

Music is what it will always be

Okay! U understand now so read the music

That sings threw me Read the music it is written so clearly

read my music

Make your own beat

So let me ask u do u feel the music that I've Just made

Do you feel the music running through your veins

Do you feel the music in my poetry song

Well, if u don't feel the music then something is wrong

Cause music are written in these words

just listen hush! Cause music will be heard



Ó 2006 Tiffany Burton

Tiffany Burton


i like to stay warm...
i love drinking hot chocolate...
i love hanging out with my friends...

in winter... there are so many things to do...
i should spend every minute of my winter having fun and playing with my friends.. because you'll never know when winter will end. .... well actually there is a date when it actually ends... but you'll never know when the snow will stop.. or the cold.. know what i mean? hahaha

In Winter.... i like to watch a lot of movies.. and stay comfortable on my couch... it feels nice to just relax and be free.... and watch winter outside. i love it when its sooo so soo cold outside but it reamains so sunny. i love sun... and winter.. so when it happens both at the same time... I LOVE IT. seriously..

In Winter i would love to